Advances in Space Research: Effects of sudden stratospheric warmings on airglow emissions layers over Siberia. Olga Zorkaltseva, Andrei Saunkin, Roman Vasilyev, Galina Gavrilyeva, Maxim Artamonov, Olga Antokhina
Oceanology: Statistical Summary of the Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol over the Seas of the Eurasian Sector of the Arctic Ocean. S. M. Sakerin, V. V. Polkin, L. P. Golobokova, D. A. Kalashnikova, M. D. Kravchishina, I. A. Kruglinskii, N. A. Onishchuk, S. A. Popova, A. O. Pochufarov, G. V. Simonova, V. P. Shevchenko & M. Yu. Shikhovtsev
Cosmic Research: New 1.38-µm Water Vapor Band Spectroscopy for a CO2 Atmosphere: H2O Measurements in the Martian Atmosphere in the SPICAM/MEX and ACS NIR/TGO Experiments. A. A. Fedorova, A. Yu. Trokhimovskiy, T. M. Petrova, V. M. Deichuli, A. M. Solodov, A. A. Solodov, F. Montmessin & O. I. Korablev
Symposium in Honor of the 100th anniversary of Academician V.E. Zuev starts on January 29, 2025, in Tomsk, Russia
Optics Letters: Anomalous infrared conical emission during ordered multifilamentation in gases. Dmitrii V. Pushkarev, Andrey D. Bulygin, Nikita A. Zhidovtsev, Daria S. Uryupina, Roman V. Volkov, Yury E. Geints, and Andrei B. Savel’ev
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer: Statistical simulation of the angular distribution of reflected solar radiation in optically anisotropic ice-crystal clouds: horizontally oriented particles. Tatiana Zhuravleva
Open Access. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics: Dust Aerosol from the Northern Caspian Sea Regions in Near-Surface Air in the Center of European Russia. A. A. Vinogradova, D. P. Gubanova, E. A. Lezina & Yu. A. Ivanova
Polymers: Nitrogen-Doped Diamond-like Coatings for Long-Term Enhanced Cell Adhesion on Electrospun Poly(ε-caprolactone) Scaffold Surfaces. S. Goreninskii, Yu. Yuriev, A. Runts, E. Prosetskaya, E. Melnik, Tuan-Hoang Tran, E. Sviridova, A. Golovkin, A. Mishanin, E. Bolbasov
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data: Complete RITZ Set of Ro-Vibrational Energy Levels of 16O3 Deduced from Experimental Spectra: Critical Analysis of Transition Frequencies in Spectroscopic Databases. Sergey Tashkun; Alain Barbe; Semen Mikhailenko; Evgeniya Starikova; Vladimir Tyuterev