News Archive

17 June 2024
Optics and Laser Technology: Turbulence-enhanced THz generation by multiple chaotically-distributed femtosecond filaments in air.

Optics and Laser Technology: Turbulence-enhanced THz generation by multiple chaotically-distributed
femtosecond filaments in air. P.A. Babushkin , A.D. Bulygin , Yu.E. Geints, A.M. Kabanov , V.K. Oshlakov , A.V. Petrov, E.E. Khoroshaeva

17 June 2024
Photonics: Propagation of a Partially Coherent Bessel–Gaussian Beam in a Uniform Medium and Turbulent Atmosphere

Photonics: Propagation of a Partially Coherent Bessel–Gaussian Beam in a Uniform Medium and Turbulent Atmosphere. Igor Lukin, Vladimir Lukin

11 June 2024
Materials reported at XX SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-RESOLUTION MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY (HighRus-2023) are now available in Issue of Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A .

Materials reported at XX SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-RESOLUTION MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY (HighRus-2023) are now available in Issue of Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A . 

11 June 2024
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Using Different Spectroscopic Databases to Model the Transfer of Radiation in the Near-IR Range and Retrieve the Content of Methane in the Atmosphere

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Using Different Spectroscopic Databases to Model the Transfer of Radiation in the Near-IR Range and Retrieve the Content  of Methane in the Atmosphere. T. Yu. Chesnokova, A. V. Chentsova, K. G. Gribanov, I. V. Zadvornykh, and V. I. Zakharov

04 June 2024
Icarus: Extended measurements and calculations of CH3C14N-N2 rotational lineshape parameters

Icarus: Extended measurements and calculations of CH3C14N-N2 rotational lineshape parameters.  Luyaou Zou, Anna Dudaryonok, François Rohart, Laurent Margulès, Nina Lavrentieva, Jeanna Buldyreva

03 June 2024
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer: Jet-cooled ethylene cavity ring-down spectroscopy between 5880 and 6200 cm−1.

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer: Jet-cooled ethylene cavity ring-down spectroscopy between 5880 and 6200 cm−1. Solène Perot, Julien Lecomte, Nicolas Suas-David, Lucile Rutkowski, Michaël Rey, Samir Kassi, Andrei V. Nikitin, Robert Georges

31 May 2024
JQSRT: LED-based Fourier Transform Absorption Spectroscopy of HD17O in 13,165-14,060 cm−1 Spectral Region

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer: LED-based Fourier Transform Absorption Spectroscopy of HD17O in 13,165-14,060 cm−1 Spectral Region. I.A. Vasilenko, L.N. Sinitsa

23 May 2024
Atmosphere: Lidar Complex for Control of the Ozonosphere over Tomsk, Russia

Atmosphere: Lidar Complex for Control of the Ozonosphere over Tomsk, Russia. A. A. Nevzorov, A. V. Nevzorov, O. Kharchenko, and Y.O. Romanovskii

15 May 2024
Photonics: Features of Adaptive Phase Correction of Optical Wave Distortions under Conditions of Intensity Fluctuations

Photonics: Features of Adaptive Phase Correction of Optical Wave Distortions under Conditions of Intensity Fluctuations. V. Lukin

14 May 2024
Sustainable Cities and Society: Environmental Exposure and Element-by-Element Analysis of Pandemic Waves at the City Level: Exposome Algorithm for Analysis of Short-Term Temperature Drops on Surges in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations

Sustainable Cities and Society: Environmental Exposure and Element-by-Element Analysis of Pandemic Waves at the City Level: Exposome Algorithm for Analysis of Short-Term Temperature Drops on Surges in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations. A.N. Ishmatov, A.A. Bart, L.N. Gorina, E.A. Strebkova, S.V. Yakovlev

13 May 2024
Water: Using Methods to Assess the Structure of Water and Water-Containing Systems to Improve the Properties of Living and Non-Living Systems

Water. Special Issue: Public Health and Water Quality: Using Methods to Assess the Structure of Water and Water-Containing Systems to Improve the Properties of Living and Non-Living Systems.  G. Sidorenko, M. Brilly, B. Laptev, N. Gorlenko, L. Antoshkin , A. Vidmar, and A. Kryžanowski