News Archive

26 February 2024
Optics Communications: Controlling the polarization structure of vector beams synthesized by a fiber laser array.

Optics Communications: Controlling the polarization structure of vector beams synthesized by a fiber laser array. E.V. Adamov, E.A. Bogach, V.V. Dudorov, V.V. Kolosov, M.E. Levitskii

22 February 2024
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Experimental study of melt splashing during yttrium oxide evaporation using ytterbium fiber laser

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Experimental study of melt splashing during yttrium oxide evaporation using ytterbium fiber laser. V.V. Osipov , V.V. Platonov, M.V. Trigub, E.V. Tikhonov , N.A. Vasnev , P.I. Gembukh , N.M. Zubarev , E.A. Kochurin


12 February 2024
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy: The infrared absorption spectrum of radioactive water isotopologue H215O

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy: The infrared absorption spectrum of radioactive water isotopologue H215O. Boris A. Voronin, Jonathan Tennyson, Sergey N. Yurchenko, Tatyana Yu. Chesnokova, Aleksei V. Chentsov, Aleksandr D. Bykov, Maria V. Makarova, Svetlana S. Voronina, Flávio C. Cruz

08 February 2024
On February 8 of 2024, the Russian Academy of Sciences celebrates its 300-th anniversary.

08 February 2024
XХХ International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics" will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, on JULY 01-05, 2024.

First announcement of XХХ International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

05 February 2024
Journal of Optical Technology: Atmospheric measurement simulation of greenhouse gases using a dual-channel infrared lidar system

Journal of Optical Technology: Atmospheric measurement simulation of greenhouse gases using a dual-channel infrared lidar system.  S. Sadovnikov, S. Yakovlev, N. Kravtsova

25 January 2024
Sensors: The Design, Modeling and Experimental Investigation of a Micro-G Microoptoelectromechanical Accelerometer with an Optical Tunneling Measuring Transducer. E. Barbin, T. Nesterenko, A. Koleda, E. Shesterikov, I. Kulinich, A. Kokolov, A. Perin

Sensors: The Design, Modeling and Experimental Investigation of a  Micro-G Microoptoelectromechanical Accelerometer with an Optical Tunneling Measuring Transducer. E. Barbin, T. Nesterenko, A. Koleda, E. Shesterikov, I. Kulinich,  A. Kokolov, A. Perin 

11 January 2024
Environmental Research Letters.  Heatwave reveals potential for enhanced aerosol formation in Siberian boreal forest

Environmental Research Letters. Olga Garmash, Ekaterina Ezhova, Mikhail Arshinov, Boris Belan, Anastasiia Lampilahti, Denis Davydov, Meri Räty, Diego Aliaga, Rima Baalbaki, Tommy Chan, Federico Bianchi, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Tuukka Petäjä and Markku Kulmala.

09 January 2024
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: The high resolution absorption spectrum of methane in the 10 800–14 000 cm−1 region: literature review, new results and perspectives

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: The high resolution absorption spectrum of methane in the 10 800–14 000 cm−1 region: literature review, new results and perspectives. A. Campargue, E. V. Karlovets, S. S. Vasilchenko and M. Turbet

28 December 2023
Crystals: Experimental Investigation of Laser Damage Limit for ZPG Infrared Single Crystal Using Deep Magnetorheological Polishing of Working Surfaces

Experimental Investigation of Laser Damage Limit for ZPG Infrared Single Crystal Using Deep Magnetorheological Polishing of Working Surfaces.
N.N. Yudin, A. Khudoley,M. Zinovev,E. Slyunko,S. Podzyvalov,V. Kuznetsov,G. Gorodkin, P. Kumeysha, A. Lysenko, A. Kalsin, A. Gabdrakhmanov,O.A. Romanovskii, S. Kashevsky, H. Baalbaki