The aerosol chambers allow modeling of various phenomena arising in the atmosphere and affecting the propagation of optical radiation in it, in particular, fogs and smog, smokes from burning of fuel or other substances, precipitation (rain, drizzle). The chambers are equipped with windows for visual observation and for the use of lasers and receivers installed outside. The chambers can be maintained at certain pressure (from excess +0.8 atm. to vacuum) and humidity. They are equipped with evaporation and spraying systems for generation of various water-droplet and aerosol media, imitating both natural and anthropogenic pollutants. The small aerosol chamber can be filled with any, even toxic, gases and with water for conducting underwater experiments. The small aerosol chamber (180 m3 in volume) allows modeling of smokes, smog, and other aerosol media under controllable conditions and study of their structure and properties by optical methods.
The big aerosol chamber (2000 m3 in volume) is intended for experimental investigation of laser beam propagation through model aerosol structures (clouds, fogs, etc.).